Jump IN for Healthy Kids is a community-wide, multi-sector effort to give children and families real opportunities to make healthy choices. Jump IN is implementing several evidence-based strategies to address the complex causes of childhood obesity.
Guided by the CDC’s Spectrum of Opportunities, Jump IN works statewide to embed nutrition and physical activity best practices into early childhood systems and environments
Targeting the highest-risk central Indiana school districts, Jump IN works with district and school building leadership to create and implement sustainable wellness policies and practices
Jump IN helps lead the creation and implementation of Indianapolis-wide infrastructure to support healthy food access, grow food economy, and strengthen food insecurity efforts
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Jump IN Turns 10 Years Old! Learn about how we came to be.
As Jump IN hits a significant milestone, listen to the creative vision, strategic leadership, and critical research that went into our founding.
Learn about our accomplishments so far.

5-2-1-0 Every Day!
You want to make healthy choices, but information can be confusing and contradictory at times. 5-2-1-0 is an easy-to-remember phrase to help you define what “healthy” really is.