Jump IN is working to solve the biggest health disparity impacting children.
In 2013-14, Jump IN founders concluded that by 2015 childhood overweight and obesity in central Indiana would reach an estimated 43%, rising to 53% by 2025 if trends continue. The burden of childhood obesity falls disproportionately on vulnerable populations. Data from the Jump IN FitnessGram project confirms that prevalence among central Indiana Latinx and Black students is consistently higher than among white students.
Obesity is a global pandemic, the World Health Organization’s #2 threat to global health in 2019. Childhood obesity tripled in the United States between the early 1970s and 2000.
What is the problem? Won’t they grow out of it?
Unfortunately, many kids don’t. Children with obesity are five times more likely to have obesity as adults – and teens with obesity have an 80% chance of having obesity as adults. And when children with obesity become adults with obesity, chronic diseases emerge and costs increase. We know patients with obesity suffer worse COVID-19 outcomes and even die at higher rates. Obesity can kill.
Why do we care about childhood obesity?
Because when we create healthier environments for children, we promote a healthier and more productive nation. But today, widespread diabetes, heart disease, and cancer all attributable in part from runaway obesity, undermine health and economic wellbeing.
Who is at highest risk for childhood obesity?
Healthy eating and active living are more difficult in environments that do not support healthy habits and when facing the burdens of racial, social, and economic inequities, addressing the root causes of childhood obesity, Jump IN addresses systemic racism.
Why does this affect me?
Because childhood obesity leads to adult obesity. Lifelong poor health impacts quality of life and increases costs for businesses and taxpayers.
Get the childhood obesity fact sheet, including what we can do to reduce the prevalence in central Indiana: download now