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Be Active Eat Healthy Teach Healthy Habits

Want Your Kids to Be Healthier at School? Raise Your Hand (Spanish) American Heart Association, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Voices for Healthy Kids

Spanish language version of 2-sided single page fact sheet highlighting links between health and academic achievement

Be Active Eat Healthy Teach Healthy Habits

Hablar con sus hijos sobre el peso y la salud Stop Obesity Alliance, Alliance for a Healthier Generation

Una guia de conversacion para padres y adultos que cuidan a ninos de 7 a 11 anos de edad. Spanish version of "Weigh In: Talking to Your Children about Weight & Health," guide for parents of kids 7-11.

Be Active Eat Healthy Teach Healthy Habits

Weigh In: Talking to Your Children about Weight & Health Stop Obesity Alliance, Alliance for a Healthier Generation

Toolkit for parents and adult caregivers of children ages 7-11 years. Includes tips for starting conversations, responding to questions, and more. Spanish version also available.

Be Active Eat Healthy Teach Healthy Habits

Diabetes Risk Assessment (Adults) - Spanish version American Diabetes Association

Simple test helps adults evaluate their risk for type 2 diabetes. This version is entirely in Spanish. English version available separately in this database.

Be Active Eat Healthy Teach Healthy Habits

Buenos habitos para dormir Let's Go

Spanish language version of "Healthy Sleeping Habits" one page flyer for families, caregivers

Eat Healthy Teach Healthy Habits

Como Agregar Fibra a sus Comidas Let's Go

Spanish language version of "How to Add Fiber to Your Meals" one page flyer for families, caregivers

Be Active Teach Healthy Habits

Haga una hora o mas de actividad fisica al dia Let's Go

Spanish language version of "Get One Hour or More of Physical Activity Every Day" one page flyer for families, caregivers

Eat Healthy Teach Healthy Habits

Hechos esclarecedores sobre el jugo Let's Go

Spanish language version of "Enlightening Facts About Juice" one page flyer for families, caregivers

Be Active Eat Healthy Teach Healthy Habits

Limite la recreacion frente a una pantalla a dos horas o menos Let's Go

Spanish language version of "Limit Screen Time" one page flyer for families, caregivers

Eat Healthy Teach Healthy Habits

Los Alimentos Aptos Let's Go

Spanish language version of "the Fittest Food" one page flyer for families, caregivers

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